Hyperspace puts the Farce into the Force as you are taken on an all-singing, all- dancing, ( totally unauthorised ) parody-tribute of one of most successful film franchises of all time.
Join Duke Kneejerker, his loyal robot RU DED2, and his sister Princess Highway, as they search for the last missing episode of Hyperspace, the intergalactic soap opera that thrilled trillions throughout the galaxy.
Who could have stolen the last episode? Was it Duke’s father, the evil dark lord Duck Waiter? Was it nefarious gangster Slappa the Gut? What do Yokel and Kombivan Wiltomi know of the theft? The galaxy will be at war if the last episode isn’t found!
Hyperspace has catchy tunes, and is written to be enjoyed by people who know little or nothing about Star Wars.
The original versions played twice a night: an early family-friendly session and a late night session for more mature tastes.
Hyperspace can be performed as a one Act Musical or as a Double Sci-Fi feature with Warp Drive.
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Plot / Synopsis
Synopsis of Scenes:
1. The Red Carpet Walkway of a Theatre on Planet Thespia
2. Aboard the Death Tart (Duck Waiter’s space ship)
3. A Swamp on Planet Amachur
4. The Wretched Hive Bar on Planet Woftam
5. Outer Space (an Asteroid Field)
6. Aboard the Death Tart
7. Somewhere on the Planet Diva
8. A Hovel by Lake Nida
9. Slappa the Gut’s Lair
Hyperspace – Cast List:
QUEEN I’MADIVA Queen of Planet Thespia
DUCK WAITER her ex-husband and Dark Lord of the Pith. He has a red pool noodle.
PRINCESS HIGHWAY her daughter. A princess in more ways than one.
DUKE KNEEJERKER her son. A bit of a dweeb but well-intentioned. He has a blue pool noodle.
R-U DED-2 his robot-servant. Female.
HUNG SO LOW smuggler and friend of the Princess. Very cool dude
TOBACCO THE ROOKIE his very hairy offsider
YOKEL wise old swamp creature and Chillli Knight
KOMBIVAN WILTOMI retired Chilli Knight
KA-KA STYNX alien servant and clumsy dogsbody (non-singing)
SLAPPA THE GUT intergalactic gangster (non singing)
PUPPY FATT feared bounty hunter (mime)
EGO SLUGRACE producer and creator of Hyperspace (non singing)
TAB LLOYD DROID alien celebrity reporter (non singing)
STAR RAPPERS intergalactic peace-keeping force
URSA MINOR intergalactic go-go dancers (non singing)
and an ARRAY of ALIENS & SPACE CRITTERS with the occasional line.